colonel keston charles

Meet Colonel Keston Charles, assuming the role of Commanding Officer of the Trinidad and Tobago Regiment since his appointment on Monday, July 10, 2023. With unwavering dedication to the values of the Defence Force, he inspires excellence in all endeavors as he leads the Regiment forward.

Our Mission

To defend the sovereign good of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and to provide on a continuous basis, quality service for safety and security within it’s maritime boundries and any other area of responsibility agreed to by the state to fulfill its international obligation.

our roles & responsibilities

Maintaining the Internal security of Trinidad and Tobago
Assistance of Local Law Enforcement


The origins of the Trinidad and Tobago Regiment trace back to the late 19th century, but its modern identity emerged from the dissolution of the Federation of the West Indies in 1962. Following the split, the 2nd Battalion of the West India Regiment was transferred to Trinidad and Tobago, forming the nucleus of what would become the 1st Battalion, Trinidad and Tobago Regiment. Accompanied by a rich military heritage, the regiment embodies a blend of tradition and adaptation, continually evolving to meet the nation’s security needs.

Since its establishment, the Trinidad and Tobago Regiment has played a pivotal role in safeguarding internal security and supporting law enforcement efforts within the twin-island nation. Beyond its borders, the regiment stands as one of the region’s prominent military forces, often deployed in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions. Notably, its involvement in post-disaster relief efforts, such as the assistance provided in Grenada after Hurricane Ivan, underscores its commitment to regional stability and resilience.

Structured akin to a light infantry brigade, the Trinidad and Tobago Regiment comprises two regular infantry battalions, supported by engineering and logistical units, as well as specialized detachments. With strategic bases like Camp Omega and facilities scattered across the country, the regiment remains poised to uphold its dual mandate of defending national sovereignty and contributing to regional peace and security.


* base marked using green marker *

REGIMENT headquarters

The Trinidad and Tobago Regiment Headquarters (RHQ) is located at 1, 31 Temple Court, 33 Abercromby St, Port of Spain. This base serves as the central administrative hub, overseeing regimental activities and personnel management to ensure preparedness for national defence.